Monday, May 25, 2020
How to Write a Personal Statement For College
<h1>How to Write a Personal Statement For College</h1><p>When you are planning for a school affirmations test, you have to compose an individual articulation that can really show that you have achieved all that you needed to do in school. In the event that you didn't prepare enough and make sense of how to compose an individual explanation for school, the test can bring back the antagonistic recollections of what you didn't get into.</p><p></p><p>Writing an individual articulation for school is significant in light of the fact that you have a quite certain arrangement of prerequisites that all universities consider when they assess you. Thus, there is a great deal that goes into picking what to place in an individual articulation for school. It needs to stand apart from the remainder of different understudies and on the off chance that you don't ensure that you do as such, you may wind up with a progressively 'nonexclusive' perusing that a sc hool will see as lacking. Here are a few things to consider when composing an individual explanation for college.</p><p></p><p>First, consider your profession objectives and what you need to do when you graduate. Incorporate these and what you wish to do a short time later. It is likewise imperative to place your inclinations in the exposition also. These are the things that will show your composing style and are typically the ones that will be best recalled. You don't need to be excessively innovative in any of this, however the more things you incorporate, the better it will read.</p><p></p><p>After you have composed the individual explanation for school, look again at your resume and inquire as to whether you need to establish a decent connection. Do you figure it will help on the off chance that you can show that you have additionally accomplished humanitarian effort? Would it be better in the event that you can show your enthusias m for the exercises of your school? These are only a couple of thoughts to consider.</p><p></p><p>Another motivation to set up your announcement for school is that the affirmations test itself can bring back the entirety of the negative recollections. Don't simply desert this. In the event that you don't have something in your confirmations test that will haul your name out of the group and make you the individual that everybody needs to see, at that point you will make some hard memories demonstrating that you have truly realized the stuff to be effective. In this way, don't simply have the 'announcement' or the 'synopsis' of your instructive experience for college.</p><p></p><p>And at last, while you are composing your own announcement for school, consider the entirety of the zones that you need to concentrate on. Who will you invest the most energy reading for? What would you like to show the world about what your identity is? When you have done this, it will be simpler to isolate the focuses and assembled them for an intelligible and compelling statement.</p><p></p><p>Those are only a couple of tips on the best way to compose an individual proclamation for school. Being set up before hand will show that you are readied when you go to compose your announcement and that can go far in helping you expert the affirmations test that is given to the school that you are applying to.</p>
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Requisitos ciudadanÃÂa para hijos nacidos fuera EE.UU.
Los hijos de ciudadanos que nacen fuera de los Estados Unidos podrà an adquirir la ciudadanà a estadounidense desde el momento de su nacimiento si se cumplen una serie de requisitos. En este artà culo se detalla en quà © casos y con quà © requisitos un ciudadano americano transmite la nacionalidad a sus hijos nacidos en el extranjero segà ºn la ley actual, que aplica a todos los nacidos a partir del dà a 14 de noviembre de 1986. Para los nacidos en fechas anteriores aplican otras leyes y deberà ¡n consultar cuà ¡les eran los requisitos que aplicaban en el momento en que nacieron. Cabe destacar que, en la actualidad, las reglas para obtener la nacionalidad de EE.UU. por padre o madre aplican a los descendientes de estadounidenses por nacimiento o por naturalizacià ³n. Puntos Clave: ciudadanà a estadounidense por derecho de sangre El padre o la madre estadounidense pueden transmitir la ciudadanà a de EE.UU. a sus hijos nacidos en otro paà s si se cumplen una serie de requisitos.Los requisitos son diferentes segà ºn el estado civil de los padres y nacionalidad de los padres:padre y madre estadounidense y casados entre sà padre o madre estadounidense casado con extranjeropadre estadounidense solteromadre estadounidense solteraEl progenitor estadounidense debe probar haber residido en EE.UU. antes del nacimiento del hijo.Es aconsejable solicitar el Certificado de Nacimiento en el Exterior y/o pasaporte estadounidense tan pronto como nazca el hijo. Ciudadanà a estadounidense para nacidos fuera de EE.UU. por aplicacià ³n del derecho de sangre Por el mero hecho de ser hijo de ciudadano estadounidense no està ¡ garantizada la ciudadanà a de EE.UU. Para obtenerla es necesario cumplir con una serie de requisitos, que varà an segà ºn el estado civil de los padres y si uno o ambos son estadounidenses Los dos padres son ciudadanos estadounidenses y son matrimonio Si tanto el padre y como la madre son ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos y està ¡n casados entre sà , todos los hijos de ese matrimonio nacidos fuera de EE.UU. son ciudadanos estadounidenses desde el momento del nacimiento del hijo. El à ºnico requisito que se pide es que siempre al menos uno de los padres hubiera tenido residencia en Estados Unidos o cualquiera de sus territorios antes del nacimiento de los hijos. En este caso no se pide un mà nimo de tiempo de residencia. El padre o la madre es estadounidense y està ¡ casado/a con una persona extranjero/a El hijo de este matrimonio es estadounidense desde el momento de su nacimiento siempre y cuando: el progenitor estadounidense ha residido en EEE.UU. mà nimo cinco aà ±osal menos dos de esos aà ±os los haya vivido tras cumplir los 14 aà ±os de edad. El padre es estadounidense y no està ¡ casado con la madre, que es extranjera Segà ºn la nueva Seccià ³n 309(a) de la Ley de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà a (INA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) y que se ha modificado recientemente, el hijo nacido fuera de EE.UU de padre estadounidense y madre extranjera cuando ambos progenitores no està ¡n casados entre sà es ciudadano estadounidense si se cumplen todas las exigencias siguientes: El padre ha residido en EE.UU. por al menos cinco aà ±os. Como mà nimo dos aà ±os de residencia tuvieron lugar despuà ©s de que el papà ¡ hubiera cumplido los 14 aà ±os de edad.Se debe probar de un modo convincente y que no deje lugar a dudas que el menor es hijo biolà ³gico de quien afirma ser su padre.El padre debe comprometerse por escrito a apoyar financieramente a su hijo mientras à ©ste es menor de 18 aà ±os de edad. Ademà ¡s, el padre deberà ¡ legitimar al hijo segà ºn una de las siguientes maneras: a) segà ºn las leyes del lugar de residencia; b) se puede presentarà documento donde una corte establezca que la relacià ³n filial entre el ciudadano americano y su hijo nacido en el extranjero o c) mediante una declaracià ³n jurada en la que se reconoce la filiacià ³n.à La legitimacià ³n debe haberse completado antes de que el menor cumpla los 18 aà ±os de edad. Cabe destacar que la ley cambià ³ recientemente para estos casos de transmisià ³n de ciudadanà a estadounidense. La vieja Seccià ³n 309 (a) exigà a mà ¡s tiempo de residencia en EE.UU. al padre pero permità a transmitir la ciudadanà a a un hijo hasta los 21 aà ±os de edad. Las personas nacidas fuera de EE.UU. hijas de padre estadounidense soltero que tenà an mà ¡s de 15 aà ±os pero menos de 18 a fecha del 14 de noviembre de 1986 pueden optar por pedir que se les aplique la seccià ³n vieja o la nueva, cualquiera que le sea mà ¡s conveniente. La madre es estadounidense y no està ¡ casada con el padre, que es extranjero Los nacidos el 11 junio de 2017 o antes adquieren la ciudadanà a estadounidense por su madre si à ©sta ha vivido en Estados Unidos o alguno de sus territorios de un modo corrido por al menos un aà ±o. Sin embargo, las reglas son distintas desde la sentencia de la Corte Suprema 137S. ct167 (2017) Sessions vs. Morales-Santana. Asà , en la actualidad, para que los nacidos fuera de EE.UU. con fecha posterior al 11 de junio de 2017 adquieran la ciudadanà a estadounidense, sus madres solteras deben cumplirse los mismos requisitos de tiempo residido en EE.UU. que aplican a los varones solteros. Es decir, deben haber residido al menos 5 aà ±os en los Estados Unidos de los cuales 2 tienen que ser despuà ©s de haber cumplido los 14 aà ±os. La madre es estadounidense y tiene un bebà © en el extranjero que genà ©ticamente no es suyo Los avances en la medicina permiten casos en los que una mujer puede recurrir a una donacià ³n de à ³vulos y asà llevar adelante un embarazo y tener un hijo que no es suyo desde el punto de vista genà ©tico. Es lo que se conoce en inglà ©s con las iniciales ART. En estos casos, la madre podrà ¡ transmitir la ciudadanà a estadounidense al nià ±o siempre y cuando las leyes que aplican en el lugar del nacimiento reconozcan a la mujer como la madre legal del infante. Si eso es asà , luego aplicarà ¡n las reglas generales explicadas anteriormente: si la madre està ¡ soltera o casada y, si à ©ste es el caso, si lo està ¡ con un ciudadano, un nacional o un extranjero. Cà ³mo probar la residencia en Estados Unidos por el tiempo requerido No hay excepcià ³n a esta regla, no se conceden waivers. Se cumple el requisito si se ha vivido en cualquiera de los 50 estados que conforman la Unià ³n Americana o en uno de sus territorios: Puerto Rico, Guam, Islas Và rgenes Americanas, Islas Marianas del Norte, Samoa Americana y otras islas y atolones no habitados de forma permanente. Tambià ©n seà computa como tiempo vivido en los Estados Unidosà o uno de sus territorios el tiempo transcurrido en el extranjero en las siguientes situaciones: sirviendo en el Ejà ©rcito en condicià ³n de honorabilidadtrabajando para el gobierno de los Estados Unidos o ciertas organizaciones que pueden calificarsiendo hijo dependiente de una persona en cualquiera de las dos situaciones que se acaban de seà ±alar La prueba de residencia se realizaà llenando el formulario DS-5507 y presentando pruebas. Una parte de este formulario aplica sà ³lo a los padres varones no casados para cumplir con la obligacià ³n de comprometerse a mantener a sus hijos hasta los 18 aà ±os. Entre los documentos que se pueden aportar par aprobar la residencia destacan: Diplomas de estudios de liceo (high school) e incluso el yearbookCalificaciones de estudios universitarios (transcripts)Informes de la Administracià ³n de la Seguridad SocialRecibos de haber recibido un salarioPago de impuestos (tax returns)W2Pasaportes actuales o expirados con sellos de entradas y salidasInformes militaresRà ©cords mà ©dicos o de vacunasFotos familiaresY cualquier documento que sirva para probar la presencia continuada de una persona en Estados Unidos por el tiempo exigido. En general los oficiales de las oficinas consulares son flexibles con el tipo de documentacià ³n presentada, siempre que sirva a su fin y sea autà ©ntica. Està ¡n entrenados para detectar casos de fraude. Quà © hacer cuando un nià ±o estadounidense nace en el extranjero El padre o la madre estadounidense debe contactar lo mà ¡s pronto posible con la Embajada o Consulado que corresponda segà ºn el lugar de residencia y hacer una cita para solicitar solicitar un pasaporte estadounidense para el menor o un Reporte Consular de Nacimiento en el Exterior (Consular Report of Birth o CRBA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Tambià ©n se le conoce como FS-240. La forma a cumplimentar es la DS-2029. Tambià ©n es posible solicitar al mismo tiempo ambos documentos. Este Reporte Consular de Nacimiento en el Exterior se debe solicitar despuà ©s del nacimiento, tan pronto como sea posible. En todo caso, siempre antes de que el menor cumpla los 18 aà ±os de edad. No se emiten Consular Report of Birth a ninguna persona mayor de 18 aà ±os. Si no es posible hacer el trà ¡mite inmediatamente despuà ©s del nacimiento, deberà ¡ realizarse, en todo caso, antes del primer viaje del nià ±o o nià ±a a Estados Unidos. Si un menor tiene derecho a la ciudadanà a americana por padre o por madre no puede ni entrar ni salir de Estados Unidos con un pasaporte extranjero con visa ni sin visado bajo el amparo del Programa de Exencià ³n de visas. Cabe destacar que con el Reporte Consultar de Nacimiento no puede viajar internacionalmente. Deberà ¡ solicitarse para ese menor que es ciudadano su propio pasaporte. Para ello llenar la planilla DS-11, seguir las instrucciones y prepararse para presentarse con el infante en el consulado en la fecha y hora de la cita. Dà ³nde solicitar informacià ³n sobre ciudadanà a En caso de dudas, se puede contactar en inglà ©s con la Oficina de asuntos legales de Directorio de servicios para ciudadanos en el extranjero, del Departamento de Estado, escribiendo un correo electrà ³nico a Tambià ©n es posible contactar con el consulado u oficina consular que tiene competencia sobre el lugar en el que se reside habitualmente. Cambios relevantes en la leyes de Ciudadanà a El 31 de diciembre de 2010 el Departamento de Estado dejà ³ de emitir Certificados de Informe de Nacimiento (Certificate of Report of Birth, forma DS-1350). Ahora sà ³lo se emiten los Consular Report of Birth Abroad. Pero los Informes emitidos antes de esa fecha siguen siendo và ¡lidos y una prueba de identidad. Con anterioridad a 1978 las personas estadounidenses nacidas en el extranjero porque adquirieron la ciudadanà a a travà ©s de uno de sus padres acababan perdià ©ndola si no residà an por un tiempo en los Estados Unidos. Muchas personas dejaron de ser estadounidenses por esa razà ³n. En la actualidad podrà an recuperarà la ciudadanà aà y en muchos de los casos el à ºnico requisito a cumplir serà a prestar el juramento de lealtad a los Estados Unidos. Los interesados pueden contactar con el Departamento de Estado o preguntar a la embajada o consulado mà ¡s cercano. Casos en los que la ciudadanà a no se trasmite automà ¡ticamente En ocasiones la ciudadanà a se puede adquirir despuà ©s del nacimiento y antes de cumplir los 18 aà ±os por serà hijo de estadounidense. Estos son los casos y los requisitos que se deben dar: Por adopcià ³nPor ser hijo de una persona que se convierte en ciudadana por naturalizacià ³n. Es lo que se conocà a comoà ciudadanà a derivada.Por uno de los abuelos en el caso de ser hijo de estadounidense que no puede trasmitir la ciudadanà a por no cumplir con requisitos de residencia en Estados Unidos Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Monday, May 18, 2020
A Secret Weapon for Best Custom College Papers
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Pre-composed papers are composed by someone who's gifted in that particular subject and can be trusted to make a fair coincidental piece. </p> <p>You can depend on us at whatever point you need a model article, examine paper, or another kind of scholarly composition. Try not to be reluctant to demand adjustments if your paper was not appropriately arranged or referenced. So far as the understudies are included, composing an exploration paper is among the hardest and baffling undertaking as they would see it. </p> <p>Our authors originate from a collection of expert foundations. On the off chance that your future is reliant upon it, you're smarter to go to experts. 1 explanation is the way that it gives them an engaged field of skill. In the occasion you should finish a few scholarly papers inside a restricted time, the essayists even offer critical types of assistance. </p> <p>Many are profoundly rumored. 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Saturday, May 9, 2020
The Number One Question You Must Ask for Can Computer Think Term Papers
<h1> The Number One Question You Must Ask for Can Computer Think Term Papers</h1> <p>Doing the perfect work you can implies using each asset accessible. This sort of work requests exhaustive and faultless research. This work needs proper referencing and reasonable structure of the data. Depending on us, you will get a top-quality work. </p> <h2> Here's What I Know About Can Computer Think Term Papers</h2> <p>At this time you've been doled out your absolute first research paper, and you don't comprehend where to begin! Remember that on the off chance that you discover the sources you wish to use for your research project, you should endeavor to find answers to the inquiries you presented already. On the off chance that essential, we'll find outside sources containing progressively pertinent information on a specific subject to gracefully a client with increasingly extensive article or research paper. Step by step instructions to create interpr etive paper pdf. </p> <p>There are different research project sites, totally free databases of research projects and wellsprings of research papers which are accessible online along these lines, the understudies may take support from them and compose their research papers. We may need to peruse papers all the more incredulously later on. Simply to exhibit how these papers can be created, I produced a few composed by some very well known creators. Try not to use them as your own one of a kind scholastic papers! </p> <h2> The Birth of Can Computer Think Term Papers</h2> <p>The larger part of the employment opportunities for software engineers will in all likelihood result from substitution necessities. Some of such on-line modified research project organizations are cheating or false. Our research paper composing administration licenses clients to pick the author they wish to work with dependent on their capacities and task prerequisites. In case you're looking are you scanning for various papers, do let us know in the remark area beneath. </p> <h2> Finding Can Computer Think Term Papers</h2> <p>Some considers have demonstrated that we accept we've comprehended the content better, when we read from a screen. Regardless of whether it is a program a human has input, that PC may need to comprehend it program to have the option to tail it. In this way explaining these example papers will offer you a decent correction of the entirety of the basic segments in the issue. Fathoming the CBSE test papers will help your exactness and permit you to control the blunders, in this way prompting a general higher score. </p> <h2>The Debate Over Can Computer Think Term Papers </h2> <p>No matter, what kind of research paper you must compose. The chief body of the altered research paper includes the exact strategy for making the postulation articulation with significant clarifications, systematic thoughts and statements from ou ter sources. You won't simply chase for data yet additionally dig into the why's and wherefores behind the point material, trying to flexibly explanation through your research paper. As a result, significantly more examinations must have the option to create ends who have any measure of conviction. </p> <h2> What to Expect From Can Computer Think Term Papers? </h2> <p>Society, along these lines, is imperative to a good human life. Research expends a lot of time as the understudy should gather data, experience it and judge what will be important with respect to the subject of software engineering research paper. Software engineering is a wide field, which needs a lot of work in states of information assortment. It is a wide region, which requires extraordinary abilities in knowing assortment. </p> <p>Instructors may likewise accept that the understudies should be qualified and they can undoubtedly deal with the issues in regards to composing the research papers. When pondering a research paper composing organization, understudies should pick one which comprehends the requests of explicit schools and the particular zone of study. The understudies may anticipate unrivaled checks in the test. An expanding number of understudies wish to get a degree of Computer science. </p> <h2> The Upside to Can Computer Think Term Papers</h2> <p>Though it doesn't stop there, consider that way where the two work. Our essayists and the rest of the gathering individuals are quite often satisfied to help with your assignments. Look no more, you're in the right area. Article on organizing a gathering. </p> <h2>Up in Arms About Can Computer Think Term Papers? </h2> <p>Nonetheless, the push to develop astute machines proceeds, and this is in all pr obability the perfect way to deal with answer the inquiry. All the substance offered here is completely for nothing and is provided in the handiest manner so you don't confront any make a difference. So in the event that you endeavor to fathom them in specified time, you will procure reasonable thought of time organization. After the PC structure language gets well known and broad in the Earth, it will get normalized for the improvement of participation between the software engineers from different countries. </p> <p>As PCs have gotten significant parts of contemporary correspondence, their expanded use has additionally brought about the rise of PC violations. We'll be help you at whatever point conceivable. </p>
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
F. Scott Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby - 1720 Words
The American Dream is defined as the idea that all citizens of the United States of America are able to have an equal chance to gain success, and to prosper through hard work and determination. The American Dream is the driving force of evolution in humanity. It allows the aspiration of being able to do astonishing things, and proffers them prosperity in life. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald delves into the American Dream and itââ¬â¢s demise. Fitzgerald focuses on the character of Jay Gatsby to materialize the false image that the American Dream created in the 1920ââ¬â¢s. Gatsby is the protagonist of the novel, and is famous for throwing massive parties regardless of the secret life that he lives. The narrator, Nick Carraway, dives intoâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦After losing Daisy, Gatsby begins his search for the American Dream. Fitzgerald states that, The truth was that Jay Gatsby, of West Egg, Long Island, sprang from his Platonic conception of himself. He was a son of Godââ¬âa phrase which, if it means anything, means just thatââ¬âand he must be about His Fatherââ¬â¢s business, the service of a vast, vulgar, and meretricious beauty. So he invented just the sort of Jay Gatsby that a seventeen year old boy would be likely to invent, and to this conception he was faithful to the end (98). Nick uses a comparison between Gatsby and Jesus to highlight Gatsbyââ¬â¢s recreation of himself. Gatsby transforms himself into what he envisions his life to be, creating a false persona in his chase of the American Dream. He hides behind Jay Gatsby, because James Gatz will not be able to achieve the American dream if he tries due to his background. Fitzgerald uses words like ââ¬Å"truthâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Godâ⬠, ââ¬Å"vulgarâ⬠, ââ¬Å"meretriciousâ⬠, and ââ¬Å"faithfulâ⬠to prove the lengths that Gatsby goes through to try to meet the American Dream. The initial time that Jay Gatsby is seen is when Nick Carraway spots him at the end of his dock. Nick watched Gatsby as, ...he stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way, and, far as I was from him, I could have sworn he was trembling. Involuntarily I glanced seawardââ¬âand distinguished nothing except a single green light, minute and far away, that might have been the end of a dock (21). As Gatsby reaches out
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Colony Textile Mills free essay sample
History Colony Group is one of the leading and oldest Textile Manufacturing group in Pakistan. The 1st industrial venture of the group was in cotton ginning sector back in 1881. Gradually the group diversified in to flour milling in the early 1900s. First textile spinning plant was put up in 1946 under the name of Colony Textile Mills Limited. The Group further ventured in to Banking, Insurance, Cement, and Power Generation Distribution. By 1952 Colony Textile Mills Limited was a composite textile plant with a 120,000 spindles, 1,500 looms, and fabric finishing capacity in excess of 150,000 meters per day. Nationalization of 1972 took most of the business away, leaving Textile and Insurance in the Group. Presently, there are two companies in the group, namely, Colony Textile Mills Limited (CTM) with about 195,000 Spindles, and Colony Industries (Pvt. ) Limited (CIL), consisting of 35,000 Spindles and 418 Air Jet Looms. Width | Looms| | 190cm| 180| 176 Cam +12 Dobby + 12 Crank (20 Looms with Batchers)| 210cm| 24| 24 Cam Looms (4 Looms with Batchers)| 280cm| 26| 20 Cam + 6 Dobby| 340cm| 188| 174 Cam + 14 Dobby| Competitive Dimensions CIL is a very strong and only group that has 418 Looms in same place. This helps in fulfilment of large orders at high speed. If the looms are installed at different locations large orders cannot be processed because of factors like communication barrier and increased cost of transportation etc. Another unique thing CIL has is the Automatic Drawing in machine. When order of new quality is received it needs to be designed for the loom to work on. If manually this process is done the time required to feed the new design in the loom would be around 16 hours. The time CIL takes to do the same task is just 2 hours with better efficiency.This automated machine is only available at CIL and increases order fulfilment speed. The power requirement for the setup of 418 looms, compressor fleets and other support functions is 8MW. The cost of power i. e. electricity is reduced to a greater extent by manufacturing through its own power generation system which produces 10MW through Natural gas. Moreover for an uninterrupted supply of electricity CIL has its own grid station. Similarly CILââ¬â¢s own compressors fleet decreases the cost of raw material i. e. compressed air which prevents the machinery from heating up and maintain humidity and temperatures.Capacity Capacity or the production of looms greatly depends upon the quality of fabric. If fabric is of high quality production will be less. The reason behind this is high quality fabric uses fine threads. Production also depends upon the number of threads used in manufacturing. 6 million meters per month approx production has been recorded by CIL. Initially there were 120 looms at CIL. Capacity addition was done in March 2005 and 154 looms were added. Capacity addition for the 2nd time was done at the end of 3rd quarter by adding 144 looms making production capacity of 6. 0 million meters fabric per month. Core Services and Value Added Services The core service of CIL is grey fabric manufacturing. They donââ¬â¢t provide internal information of accounts, operations etc. to external people. However they provide samples to their clients which are sales support. Field support is also not easy in this weaving business but they do rectify the error within the specified time. Fail Safing techniques Automated motion sensors Automated motion sensors stop the process of creeling, sizing and weaving whenever a thread breaks down or any error appears in the process. This prevents errors from increasing. Online Inspection SystemOnline Inspection system is a manual system by which errors can be checked by mills manager. The data is fed to the system by operators and is evaluated by mills manager for removal of errors. During Production Checks Technicians and operators are responsible for checking and removing the errors during production. After Production Checks Inspection and folding department rectifies error if it still exists before packing. After packing the order is randomly checked so that client gets error free order. Process Selection The type of processes they are using at the most basic level is Fabrication rocess that means Colony Industry converts their raw material i. e. raw yarn to grey fabric. Grey fabric is the form of fabric before printing or dying. This process of fabrication is termed as Weaving in the terminology of Textile business. Yarn flow is organized in the factory by process technology known as batch shop. Yarn is retrieved from yarn procurement department as the order is received for the production of grey fabric and then it is processed in the form of batches or order. Mill consists of 3 Units each having 2 Sheds which are control units. Hierarchy of authority is in Appendix. Each Unit is headed by Mills manger and so on. Production in charge are responsible for 60, senior technicians for 16 and Operators for 4-6 looms. Warping Creeling Quality Check Yarn High Spinning Mill Low Sizing Head Stock Warper Beams Drawing In Sizing Roll Inspection Bales Packaging Weaving Approve Pallets Disapprove Storage Treatable Treat Yes No Waste No Flow Chart Marketing department receives order and transfer production order to the mill. Mill staff plans the order and tells yarn procurement department for yarn purchase. This department purchases yarn from colonyââ¬â¢s spinning mill and other spinning mills.The yarn is not stored at the mill but it is received from the source when needed. Once yarn is received by the mill it is sent to quality check department for inspection where yarn is weighed and tested for hair and tension. If the yarn is not approved, it is sent back to the source otherwise it is transferred to the next department. This yarn is in the form of spindles which is loaded on creeling machine manually. Then the process of warping starts in which these spindles are unrolled and rolled on the warping beams which are then transferred for sizing.In the process of sizing, starch and polyvinyl along with some other chemicals and water are cooked and applied to the yarn. This process makes yarn able to go through the next steps by increasing its strength and elasticity. After drying the yarn, ends are separated in a manner that they do not stick to each other. This dried yarn is rolled on temporary storage which has the size according to the width of the cloth known as sizing head stock. After the process of drawing in as explained previously, it is injected to the loom for the process of weaving. The temperature is controlled by a special system of compressor fleet.Once weaving is done, inspection of each inch of cloth is done for quality assurance where decision is made regarding acceptance, rejection and mending of cloth. After approval, it is sent for packing as mentioned in production order and if fabric is not approved, it is mended otherwise it is sent to the waste. Back Process: In Warping, the whole set-up is of Ben-Direct Benninger V 1080/2400. Colony Ind. has 6 Warping machines with the Creel Capacity of 1080 each. Each machine is with the electronic sensors for the tracing of broken ends. In Sizing, Colony has the Ben-Sizetech Zell KVE, Creel 32 WW/4000 machines.Colony has 4 Sizing machines, 3 with the Head Stock size of 4 meters. Total Creel Capacity ranges from 16 (1 m/c) to 28 (1 m/c) till 32 (2 m/cââ¬â¢s). The Sizing machine is with pre-wet technology with double dip sow-box. Colony has an additional facility of Beam Stacker which is not found anywhere else in Pakistan. Colony is equipped with 2 Beam Stacker from Formia Nova of Italy with total of 65 bars holding the capacity of 195 no of beams for Narrow 130 no of beams for Wider. DRAWING-IN Colony has the state of the art 2 Automatic Drawing-In machine which is found rare in Pakistan.One machine is from Staubli (Delta 110-4) which has the capacity of 150,000 ends/day filling with the speed of 140 threads/min. The 2nd machine is from ELM S. P. A (Super Vega) which has the 80 threads/min filling speed. Weaving Colony has the total production of 6. 00 million meters fabric/month with 418 looms all of Toyota JAT 710 in production. In the 190 cm section (Narrow looms), they have 180 looms, 24 with the batching motions. Folding machines has the total capacity of 25k/shift/machine. Rolling machine is with the production of 10000 meters fabric/shift/machine Quality Inspection/folding is the process for quality checks. In this process each inch of fabric is inspected. The quality of fabric depends upon the discretion of client and is checked according to the efficiency of loom stated in Production Order. Price also increases with the fineness of the fabric. During the process if any defect is found than it is decided according to the nature of the defect whether to allow it or treat the fabric. Then fabric is categorized into three grades A, B and C.A is finest category and is considered to be of export quality, while B and C are of lower quality. They follow 4 point system which allows maximum of 4 errors and is world wide accepted. Colony has fully equipped Quality Lab with all kind of testing equipments including the Uster Tester 4 for yarn checking. Quality Lab make sure that there is no compromise in the quality of the yarn used the fabric produced. The whole set-up has the check points from Quality Department from Back Process to Article, from Inspection to packing, thus resulting in the production of 1st class A-Grade fabric as committed.Colony has the Wrapping Reel from Mesdan Italy with the Model # S-389 A used for the making of lea. It follows the ASTM standard of D-1907-01. Auto Sorter is from Uster Switzerland with the Model PR 503 DR. Most Important machine in the Lab of colony is Uster UT -4 with the Model SE 400101-02100. Make of UT-4 is from Uster Switzerland for the checking of IPIââ¬â¢s in the yarn. For the checking of Hairiness in the yarn, colony has the Hairiness Tester from Zweigle Germany with the Model G-567. To check the Tear Strength of the fabric, colony has the Tear Strength Tester from Zweigle Germany with the model FX-3750.Their primary focus is quality because CIL is export based company. If quality is not up to the mark clients move to Bangladesh and China because they provide cheap products with low quality. Pakistani fabric is famous for its high quality and perfection. Recommendations: 1. Sales of local sector are dependent on few companies. The proportion of sales should be changed so that colonyââ¬â¢s risk is minimized. This will also help in improving performance as it will result in sale increase. 2. Sale per order should be considered and goal should be ââ¬Å"the more worth of order, higher should be the frequency of order. 3. Monitoring systems that allows online communication and control of looms should be installed to manage the system more accurately. 4. Employees should be decreased by bringing in automated creeling machine which reduces the time by automatically removing the spindles once the thread is removed from them. 5. Operations focus should be on wide looms as they have said that these wide looms have generated greater inflows. 6. Capacity addition should be kept in view as it has been around 3 years now before the last addition was made. 7.Training of employees by sending them to technical institutes abroad should be done as fail safing technique to reduce the chance of defect in the fabric. 8. Colony has fewer inflows in exports and greater in local therefore sales efforts should be engaged to increase local orders and increase inflows from exports. 9. Colony should use ingredient branding like they can market their cloth by informing clients about the brand of Looms Company have installed. 10. Operations policy should be made and reviewed continuously. Every employee should be involved in designing the policy. Appendix
Intellectual Property Analysis of Apple - Free Sample Solution
Questions: 1. Presentation of the business organization selected (basic data such as history, main activity, sector in which it operates, competitors, etc.)?2. Justification for the selection of that business organization?3. Analysis of its intellectual capital?a. Innovation model. (Taking into account collaboration with teaching institutions)?b. Human capital (Focusing in whether they have a particular policy for knowledge workers; if the company is based exclusively in knowledge workers or not)?c. Intellectual property rights. (Do they have a portfolio? Explanation of the types of IP they use)?4. Analysis of its intellectual property strategy. (Do they treat IP as a core asset or not? How do they seem to exploit its IP? Take into account the recommendations made by John Palfrey in his book)?5. Conclusion from a managerial perspective?6. Recommendation (Should they change anything, should they remain as they are and what)? Answers: Introduction According to Engdahl (2010), the combination of intellectual property (IP) is Intellectual Capital. Through the intellectual capital, organisation in business environment can increase their business as well as exploits also. However, Neethu (2014) argued that collective knowledge about the organisation or society individually is called intellectual capital. This study firmly focuses on analysing the intellectual capital strategy of Apple Inc. Apple is the largest seller in electronics products worldwide. However, this study analyse the intellectual capital strategy for Apple and identify the potential strategy that undertake by Apple in terms of continuous growth and success. 1. Overview of Apple In 1976, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak introduced the company Apple in electronics market. After starting the business, Apple still maintain their market share and continuous growth rate in electronics and communication market. At first, the company started their business by making a simple computer machine. Headquarter of Apple is located at Cupertino in America. Apple design and develops all types of electronics products as well as computer along with mobile phone and sell into the market. Neethu (2014) stated that Apple is best known for the hardware services. Apart from that, there were some critics who thinks that unique product line make the Apple successful and attain continuous success for the company. There are several unique products that present in open electronics market such as iPod Music Player, Mac based computer system, iPad tablets, iPhone smart phone, etc. Apple not only provides the unique products to customer but also they serves unique operating system with their products. For example, Apple gives OS X operating system for their computer and for their iPhone smart phone, the company use iOS operating system. In the smart phone of Apple, the manufacturer include iTune media browser and in computer, the company serves Safari web browser. Apart from that, Apple provides wide range of creativity service such as iWork, iLife, etc (, 2015). In 1996, when the company was first introduced by the Jobs and Wozniak it name was Apple Computer Inc. However, in 2007 the term Computer was removed from its name and the new name of the company established as Apple Inc. According to the market review of 2012, in information technology System Company, Apple covers the second position just after Samsung Electronics. On the contrary, in mobile phone market, Apple covers third position after the Samsung and Nokia. Moreover, in United State Apple got the honour of most predictable admired company by the Fortune Magazine. Market review of 2013 demonstrated that Apple currently run their business over fourteen country worldwide such as Japan, America, China, India, Australia, etc. More than 406 retail stores are operated by the company worldwide. Apart from that, Apple facilitates the customer by providing online iTune stores and Apple Stores. Thus, Apple attains $414 estimated value in world electronics market that is counted as second largest publicity traded corporation. In electronics market, Apple serves wide range of products and service such as computers, tablet, smart phone, etc. Therefore, Apple faced large competition from other organisation that related with the electronics products and smart phone. Following table shows the competitors of Apple separately in computers, mobile phone and tablet market Competitors in Computer Market Competitors in mobile Phone Market Competitors in Tablet Market Dell, HP, Accer, Lenovo, Microsoft, IBM, Toshiba, etc Google Nexus, Sony, Nokia, HTC, Samsung, Blackberry, etc. Sony, Samsung, Amazon, HP, Dell, HTC, Micromax, Lenovo, HCL, etc. 2. Justification for selection of Apple for this case study In order to survey the strategy of intellectual capital, analyst selects the company Apple in business environment. Apple is selected for this case study because Apple is the world largest business company in electronics market and it has wide range of innovative strategy that makes the company strong and attains continuous success. Apple has the capabilities of marketing and advertising that helps in increasing brand awareness in market. Plomer (2013) cited that well established brand is the method of achieving potential success and large customer base with more loyalty. Apple firmly focuses on developing and providing quality products or service to customer instead of focusing price sensitivity. Poyago-theotoky Teerasuwannajak (2012) claimed that, this strategy makes high margin and drive the penetration for Apple in electronics market rather than their competitors. Apart from that, Apple keep their eyes in future growth and success that allows in launching new innovative products or service such as iCloud, iTunes, etc. in each event, Apple introduce products with more anticipation rather than the last one. Moreover, technology of new products is leading up rather than the last one. Roughton (2008) acknowledged that Apple always make their products that makes a suspicious in customer mind for innovative conjecture named next big thing. For this innovative strategy and intellectual property, Apple Inc was selected by the analyst in order to analysis the Intellectual capital strategy. 3. Analysis of Intellectual Capital of Apple a. Innovation Model Stoll et al. (2009) argued that Apple is best known for its innovation. The company widely considered as the innovative company worldwide for their continuous changes strategy and service. The key innovation of Apple is the traffic of new products. Business Line of Apple: In order to develop and provide innovative products with high quality, Apple segment their product line into different part such as iPad, Mac, iPhone, iTunes, hardware as well as software along with accessories and innovative service. Apple provides Solid State Derive (SDD) instead of Hard Disk (HDD) in their computer system. The technology of SDD is much smaller and sensitive rather than HDD. Apart from that SDD has not any spin up time rather than HDD. Therefore, it allows customers by taking less start up time for the biggest asset. In order to sell their, Apple act as wholesaler by developing authorized Mac retailers. Furthermore, the company applied manufacturer direct model in terms of selling the computer directly to their customer via their own portal Apart from that, Apple plays traditional retailers role to sell their products. In 1996, the company first introduced mobile device in market. However, Apple fully focused on quality construction and experience of customer in their manufacturing process of mobile phone devices. Therefore, Apple introducing wide range of software and hardware services along with cloud service in their products that make the company powerful in mobile platform service. The company sells their products through partners as well as traditional retailer along with online channels. In order to provide offer or several discount in their products Apple involve freemium business model within their business operations. Design and Disruption: In order to design with better way, Apple applied tried and true method in their operation process. In terms of making high revenue and less competition, Apple involved multiple business model within their business operations. Apple always focused on human interaction revolutionizing in their products and service. Apart from that, Apple uses the brightness technology of Sharp Company that helped in providing better graphical user interface rather than other companies such as Dell, HP, Samsung, etc. However, when the company faced much competition from Microsoft, they changes their computer model and developed iMac that brings lot of opportunities for Apple in terms of achieving future growth and success. Moreover, Apple designed iPod music player with large storage capacity first rather than other companys music player. Logical user interface made the iPod music player to disrupt the Apple in electronics industry via innovative design (Refer to Appendix). b. Human Capital In intellectual Capital, human capital is the heart. The terms human capital related with the competencies, capability, resource, skills, knowledge, and innovation of employees. According to Awuku (2005), in order to generates intellectual capital, employees has to take responsibility using their attitude, agility of intellectual, competencies, capability, knowledge and skills. Apple offer $415 million in order to settle the suit of anti-poaching of their employee. Apart from that, Apple provides do not hire policies for their workers within the workplace of Apple that allows workers in preventing claim in order to get higher payment and getting high positioned job in their competition company. Apart from that, Apple provides high payment to their employees and management of Apple is great (Stoll et al. 2009). Apple provides fantastic policies that help in never getting tiered in job. Moreover, Apple always encourages constant improvement for their employees providing training. c. Intellectual Property Rights Like other innovation, intellectual property is also embodied for Apple. The company include wide range of intellectual property such as patents, rights and permission, copyrights and trademark, etc. Rights and Permission: Copyrights permission of Apple is also different unlike their competitors. Is the third party want to copyrights their products such as video, photograph, the applicants must to submit accurate image as well as materials that he/she tries to seeking, need to surround the image or text for the project by apple company, mentioned the submit publishers along with date and provide a suitable title (, 2015). Guideline to use Apple Trademarks: In order to use the Apple trademark, the third party must to be authorized reseller. Apart from that, third party has to present proper licence in terms of using logo of Apple for promotion or advertising into markets. If the agreement with Apple and guideline match with the business process of third party, they can use Apple Log for sales or advertising. Moreover, if the third party uses Apple Logo in their referential phase in terms of selling products or advertising items or packaging the products, they must have the compatibility with the technology or products of Apple (, 2015). Submission Policy: In order to submit the products by third party, organisation have to submit content automatically become a part of Apple company. They are not able to make any compensation with the company. Apart from that, Apple is able to redistribute of third partys contents in any way (, 2015). Moreover, Apple provides the feedback collecting system from the user about their existing business system. Apple provides feedback service in unrestricted basis for their users. 4. Analysis of Intellectual Property Strategy of Apple In the global electronics market, Apple in International Trade Commission receives honour from the Administrative Las Judge Thomas Pender. In order to identify copied technology, Thomas Pender the judge of USITC (U.S. International Trade Commission) quoted that does it look like it, feel like it, smell like it. In order to make the company as a leader in technology, Apple involves the Intellectual Property Strategy of Nortel. It helped the company in developing the business in technology like a leader of electronics market. However, Palfrey (2012) opined that Apple fights with the large multi front war in order to become a leader in technology. In Germany and Australia, Apple manages their technology as well as their products from the temporary interaction with their competitors. Raju (2006) pointed out that, Apple has the manipulated evidence in the technological rivalry at Dutch against their competitors like Samsung. According to the review of 2011, Apple fields the case that present in USITC that was retailing against the case field by the other companies in same environment. During that time, Apple represented two design patent such as US D558, 757 and US D618, 678 and the five patents that suit their business (, 2015). Following table demonstrates that claim construction of f ive patents where one patent dropped and it was owned by the other electronics product manufacturing company name Samsung. Patent Document Title Name of Assignee Priority Issue File US 7479949 Graphical User Interface, device of touch screen, method, etc Apple 6th September, 2006 20th January, 2009 11th April, 2008 US 789697 Mechanism of plug detection Apple 11th June, 2007 7th September, 2010 29th May, 2008 US 7912501 Circuit for Headset plug input and output detection Apple 5th January, 2007 22nd March, 2011 5th January, 2007 US RE41922 System and circuit and method for data transferring from device to computer Apple 10th May, 1993 9th November, 2010 5th June, 2002 US 7863533 Development of mobile phone Samsung 6th March, 2000 9th March, 2012 10th December, 2007 The above analysis Apple won the pool patent that asserted with the other three patents. However, it demonstrates that, Apple never performs with the miracle, they achieved owner or maintain success in electronics market with higher invention and high quality services (Mohammed, 2009). According to the examiner of USPTO, bit of Apple is less enforceable. 5. Conclusion Apple protects their intellectual property especially for the mobile devices such as iPad, iPhone, etc. In order to decrease competitors, Apple served as a venue in marketplace via the infringing products and services. Apart from that, Apple indirectly dominates the market place of Android Operating System and Google Nexus technology. The strategy of Apple in business is litigious as well as calculated assaults rather than their competitors especially in Europe and South Korea. However, due to high increase rate of smart phone hardware developer such as Nokia, Samsung, Lenovo, etc, Apple managed their show up and focused on developing software functionality patents. The case between Apple and Samsung demonstrated that Samsung illegally design their products like Apple. The major strategy of Apple that is still unique rather than other electronics manufacturing company is price and quality. Though the consumer of Apple limited, but the company never develop or introduce low quality pr oducts for the price sensitive customers. 6. Recommendations Based on the above analysis, following are the recommendations that need to integrate within operational process of Apple Research the Possibilities of User Interface: Apple need to design more innovative user interface especially for the Mac operating system based computer and other PCs. The user interface must to be easy in using or handling by the user. Therefore, initiatives menu functions have to present in Apples PCs. Diversification: Apple already established their brand in electronics market successfully. However, the company has to develop more products and diversify the business that maintain their quality as well as make reasonable prices of their products. Expand Stores Locations: In order to make more profits and enlarge customer base, Apple need to expand their stores locations in all part of the world. This allowed Apple in providing better service to their customers as well as makes a presence in consumer mind. Reference List Books Engdahl, S. (2010). Intellectual property rights. Detroit, MI: Greenhaven Press. Palfrey, J. (2012).Intellectual property strategy. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. Raju, C. (2006). Intellectual property rights. New Delhi: Serials Publications. Stoll, P., Busche, J., Arend, K. (2009). WTO--trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. Journals Awuku, E. (2005). Biotechnology, Intellectual Property Rights and the Rights of Farmers in Developing Countries. The Journal Of World Intellectual Property, 8(1), 75-82. Mohammed, E. (2009). Moral rights and mortal rights in Canada. Journal Of Intellectual Property Law Practice, 4(4), 261-266. Neethu, R. (2014). Braiding intellectual property law with human rights. Journal Of Intellectual Property Law Practice, 9(4), 341-342. Plomer, A. (2013). 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